I just got back from a transcendental weekend road trip. Unexpectedly, after finishing a batch of speculation sweet potato kicheree for breakfast, I was rescued in time to miss Memorial Day weekend madness and thrown into Malati Prabhuji's van last Friday. Our first destination was Towacco, New Jersey. Ahhh Jersey. I am astounded by any good you have to offer and yet I seem to be surrounded by your byproducts wherever I go. Traveling with Malati Prabhuji is a unique experience. Two things are guaranteed. Passengers never experience a moment of hunger and passengers never experience a moment of hunger. Transcendental smarties and caramel chews lofted liberally to the back seat...I find it simultaneously hilarious that originally my intention was to move to the temple so that I could renounce, and, slightly sickened by the opposite extreme that seems to have presented itself. But, whatever, different strokes for different folks. The only truly important thing to recognize is that we are all sleepy, conditioned souls in temporary, human bodies.

After an early darshan and bhajan with Sri Sri Sita Rama, Laxman and Hanuman, the blue chariot headed north to Brooklyn and arrived just in time for the ceremony on Saturday evening. The assembled devotees were more brilliant than ever. The initiations were profoundly moving and inspiring. I have to admit, however, that after everything, I was most fascinated by my newly found detachment to the ever attractive lure of NYC. Upon departure, I didn't feel a single tinge of hankering or lamentation. My stays in the past have always revolved around a show, an exhibition, a culinary rendezvous, a vinyl mission, etc. NYC has for many years been a utopian abode of curiosity and unlimited potential. A piece of my heart has always hankered to live in a funky Brooklyn neighborhood, surround myself with a tight crew, open up a small vegan soup and sandwich joint, make big rooftop community gardens, and play ball in the streets. I guess for now, the company of cows and devotees is all I'm hankering for.

Which brings me to the best part of the trip. Gita Nagari Dhama ki jaya! Gita Nagari, located in Port Royal, PA, is my home. I feel alive and compelled to serve enthusiastically without inhibition whenever I visit. Bhakti Tirtha Maharaj disciples feel like my true brothers and sisters, so it's like a big reunion from lifetimes ago whenever I go there. The Thursday after the Festival of Inspiration, Mother Salini gave birth to lady Premunjana, pictured above. Both are doing well and in good spirits.

Mother Kaulini is my inspiration. She has lived at Gita Nagari for over 30 years. She milks the cows day and night, dresses the deities, cooks for the devotees, cleans the temple, organizes the accounts and serves as temple president. It is imperative I spent more time in the company of this saintly soul. My desire is to be her right hand milker.

The nice folks opened up a great little dinner down the hill from the farm. Complete with Kraft macaroni & cheese and soft serve ice cream, this joint distributes the goodness. These kids are really living the dream. Of course it's all prasadam and lovingly served with big ol' compassionate Vaisnava smiles.

Soul sista' Deva Deva is one of my favorite residents in the greater Gita Nagari community. The first time I ever visited, she invited me over for popcorn and tea at her new home, an old refurbished 19th century stone house. We were friends instantly. This weekend I crashed at her place and decided to walk to the temple the next morning rather than drive. What should have been a half hour walk turned into two and a half hours and I still never made it. The adventure was a blessings, however, and only reconfirmed in my heart the love I feel for this area. John & Joan Fry, an old covered bridge, and Dame's rocket bouquets were the high lites of my stroll.
At present count, Gita Nagari's cow protection program gives shelter to 16 cows and oxen. Two mothers are milked daily by hand. Mother Kaulini told me a story about one cow they cared for named Vishaka who gave birth to one calf and continued to give milk for 14 consecutive years! At one point she was sent to a hospital for eye surgery and the veterinarian took Mother Kaulini aside and explained that in his 20 years of practice, he's never met such a trusting animal. She replied, "Well that's because she knows we will never kill her." The vet was moved to tears.
nice alysia. i share your desire to play ball in the street, grow city gardens and have a vegan shop...and i'm not even a city kid! i don't share any desire for New York, but I can share your longings regardless. I don't think it matters if we are in rural communities or cities... we can bring the farm life to the city, we can bring the city to the farms... maybe not the govinda's or something like this... but somehow we can rock it wherever we are. that's what i've learned most in the past 2 years... so so much to do and to be, so many people to serve and to love... i hope you're doing well. much love. i love the picture or the ladies sleeping.
Please email Gosh. My computer crashed and I don't have your email address.
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