"Here is the remedy for eliminating all inauspicious things within the heart...

"Here is the remedy for eliminating all inauspicious things within the heart...
...which are considered to be obstacles in the path of self-realization. The remedy is the association of the Bhagavatas." -Srimad Bhagavatam (1.1.18)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Keepin' it fresh, cause devotional service is only as limited as our creativity is. Radha Sakhi sported as Spiderella for Halloween and we trick-or-treated till her bag was half full of clogged artery sticks.

Halloween is alright and all, but I prefer to celebrate El Dia de Los Muertos when surrounded by fellow enthusiasts. This is the traditional festival celebrated in Mexico when everyone builds an altar in their house and offers foodstuffs and other delectables to their ancestors. On November 1st and 2nd, every cemetery and mausoleum is packed to the gills with family and friends, crying, laughing, singing, praying, and dancing. All of the graves are showered with marigolds and call-a-lilies and other offerings. Beautiful sand paintings and millions of candles decorate the cities amongst a stir of calavera imagery and their wild artisans.

I've always loved the concept of an altar. It fascinates me how the altar is utilized in so many different cultures. What rocks about Hinduism is that an altar is honored and decorated everyday. In the Hare Krishna movement, everyday people around the world chant sacred mantras to honor our spiritual ancestors and beg for their blessings so that we may pursue our daily lives with intelligence and ability in order to serve all of humanity in meaningful ways with lasting results. Generally, mantras are more potent when chanted together. So if we want to truly honor our ancestors, why party once a year, when we can party everyday? Like my raver friends in Mexico say, "FULL ON!"


Michelle said...

hola nina: nunca he escrito en un blog antes, pero lauren angelico me dio la direccion y queria escribirte. estoy en san salvador - celebrando dia de los muertos a la guanaco (salvadoreño). espero que estes bien, feliz, y sana - me parece que estas todas estas cosas y aun mas de lo que leo. cuidate mucho chiquitina y sepas que estoy pensando en ti...
la michelada

AR said...

ahhhh mi michelada!
Es superbuenisima que estas en contacto! Estoy pensando en ti tambien y deseo lo maximo para ti siempre. Me voy a India para seis meses este fin de semana para estudiar la significa de vida. Ha! Somos bien viajeras, no?
Esribame tu email. Tengo un monton de preguntas sobre tu viaje. Nos vemos...
tu hermana,

Michelle said...

que linda eres, mi dulce miel.

escribeme a mi correo que es mis iniciales y mi apellido seguido: mapet.....@gmail.com. hay que escribir mi apellido completo en la direccion (faltan 5 letras). ojala que no te haya olvidado mi apellido.

estoy viviendo en san salvador, entonces si tienes ganas, puedes visitarme despues de la india. (hay una hamaca en el patio - y si quieres podemos re-crear la noche de los bichos en la playa de oaxaca...solo sin los piquetes

que emocion para tu viaje. ojala que te vaya muy bien y que aprendas mucho y que sigamos en contacto mientras. cuidate mucho, niña bonita y espero saber mas de ti pronto.

la michelada de sol