"Here is the remedy for eliminating all inauspicious things within the heart...

"Here is the remedy for eliminating all inauspicious things within the heart...
...which are considered to be obstacles in the path of self-realization. The remedy is the association of the Bhagavatas." -Srimad Bhagavatam (1.1.18)

Monday, March 19, 2007

The drums will sound. The battle has begun.

Yesterday was an ecstatic day. Balaram Candra came back from India and delivered me my very own mrdanga! A mrdanga is an Indian drum with two heads, one large and one small, traditionally used in the temple during kirtan. Like an organ is to catholicism, a mrdanga is to Vaisnavism.

Because it was questionable whether or not the mrdanga would actually come, I tried not to have any expectations. Regardless, I daydreamed about all the wonderful service I could do if accompanied by a mrdanga. The kartals (Indian hand cymbals) just weren't doing it for me.

It wasn't until last Thursday, on Ekadasi, that I was even able to get a decent sound out of a mrdanga. Something drew me to pick the temple mrdanga up and a soft boom boom rang with the touch of my hand. I was amazed. I knew my mrdanga was coming.

I haven't been the caretaker of a drum since i had dreadlocks. At that point, I would carry a beautiful little djembe around with me everywhere. I traveled with her throughout Mexico and made so many wonderful friends and connections due to her companionship. For awhile, la banda and myself had a regular working route going from one market to another. The three of us would drum and I would sing devotional Afro-Cuban folk songs then pass around a hat. All the senoras were extremely generous. Sometimes folks would buy us fresh-squeezed orange juice in a bag with a straw, Mexican style, or a pepsi bottle full of mezcal. That's when everything fell apart. At night, if we were really hungry and there was a bunch of us, we would play at some of the familiar comedores and then get invited for dinner. A culture that appreciates music and musicians is a beautiful thing.

So the temple will have no rest, mark my words! A new era of musical exploration has been reawakened in my life. May transcendental sound vibrations surround my every movement and fill the void within this empty, materialized world!

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