"Here is the remedy for eliminating all inauspicious things within the heart...

"Here is the remedy for eliminating all inauspicious things within the heart...
...which are considered to be obstacles in the path of self-realization. The remedy is the association of the Bhagavatas." -Srimad Bhagavatam (1.1.18)

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Te presento the all-pure Madre Shantendriya

"For those who worship me with love and devotion, meditating on my transcendental form, to them I preserve what they have and carry what they lack." -Bhagavad Gita (9.22)

I used to read Carlos Castaneda and dream of finding my own Don Juan. The lizard thing always freaked me out though. Then I starting reading Florida Donner, starting with A Witch's Dream: A Healer's Way of Knowledge. I was convinced I had to find a curandera in Peru. Sastun: My Apprenticeship with a Mayan Healer, by Rosita Arvigo, then fell into my hands en route to Central America, and I was more ready than ever. Starving for a qualified teacher, I searched the Huicholi desserts in northern Mexico, the jungle temples of Chiapas, and the Land of Enchantment, glorious New Mexico. I read somewhere, probably in Siddhartha, that one who is searching for something will never find it because their focus is so narrowed that they will miss what they are looking for because they are too busy searching rather than observing. I observed for two years and simultaneously observed myself not attaining my goals or dreams, overwhelmed with possibilities and having no focus to pursue any of them.

Moving to the temple in West Virgina was not very appealing to me. The last place in the world I wanted to be was on the east coast of this dreadful country. By Krishna's mercy, somehow I left everything and everyone I loved most in this world, and made the pilgrimage to New Vrindaban. Deciding to stay was based on the promise Krishna gives in the Bhagavad Gita that was quoted up top.

Will I be stuck in boondocks West Virgina for the rest of my life? What about all my dreams and aspirations? My adventurous travels? Mis frijoles y tortillas? These were the questions in my head, but I pursued nevertheless, having enough intelligence to recognize I was going nowhere in life without a solid spiritual foundation.

After several weeks I was introduced to a woman by the name of Shantendriya, a Brazilian-bodied devotee who moved to NV one year ago with her husband Jai Prabhupada and two kids. She spoke little English. We compromised with our mutal Spanish. I would watch her carry the Tulasi plant in big, heavy pots, one in each arm, up and down the stairs everyday. One day I asked if she could use my help. I joined her for Tulsi puja that night and my love for Shandentriya and Tulasi Maharani was quickly ignited.

Shandentryia is one of the most incredible, equipoised, gentle, sincere and humble women I have ever met. Her energy is soft and calming, magical and motherly. We share similar wandering backgrounds and a mutual passion with plants and herbal medicine. She is a practitioner of Ayurvedic massage and an infinite source of knowledge and experience. I started assisting her with massage several months ago and I am fascinated by her hands.

Shantendriya paints the temple deities and recently made a diorama of Panca Tattva for Gaura Purnima in March. I knew she was a painter but I had no idea until today the extent of her talent. The fotos above are several pieces of hers that are painted on canvas with bleach! Shantendriya is far out. This morning we were spending time together in her workshop and she began showing me some of her small paintings. She explained how she got tired using paintbrushes so she started using her fingers. The detail and sharpness of her work is amazing. I am totally in love.

So who would have thought? In Bethlehem, West Virginia, I move to a Hare Krishna temple that distributes ancient Vedic knowledge and low and behold, I find my South American curandera and an apprenticeship I've always longed for. Another example in my life that proves Krishna is true to his word. Therefore, for the pleasure of Krishna and his devotees, te presento a Uds. the all-pure Madre Shantendriya- mi tia, mi madre, mi inspiracion.

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